The nearest town (city) is Wells, for all the usual services not listed here – hotels, restaurants, cafes and takeaways, chemists etc.

Local Shops

Priddy Good Farm Shop & Cafe

Best place to get breakfast near the Belfry.  Half a mile past Priddy Green towards Cheddar. Sells quality home produced beef and lamb, locally sourced pork and poultry, cheese, eggs, sausages, bacon, chipolatas, chutneys, pickles condiments, etc.

Shop Tuesday – Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm
Cafe Serving Breakfast Tuesday – Saturday 9.00am-12.30pm

Mendip Garage

On the road to the Hunter’s Lodge. Sells newspapers and some basic food items.

Weekdays 0730-1730
Saturday 0730-1200
Sunday 0800-1000

Mendip Heights Campsite Shop

A third of a mile past Priddy Green towards Cheddar.  Sells local produce, fresh bread and pastries
baked on the premises daily and to order, groceries, beer, wine and cider, greetings cards, Calor gas, ice cream and confectionary.

Monday to Saturday 0830-1000 & 1630-1800
Sunday 0830-1000

Closed between mid-November and the start of March. Open longer hours for main holidays.


Wells Tesco

All the usual stuff plus a pharmacy and cashpoint.

Monday 0800-2200
Tuesday to Saturday 0600-2200
Sunday 1000-1600

Caving Gear

Starless River

The world famous mobile caving shop is frequently found on Mendip.  Check out Tony’s website for where he is.  Remember you can always order from Tony and have kit delivered via caver post for when you are on Mendip.

Sadly the famous Bat Products in Wells closed when J-Rat passed away, but Andy “Captain Jack” Sparrow has a caving and climbing outfit. Useful for prearranged hire of kit. See the website for opening times.



© 2025 Bristol Exploration Club Ltd

registered in England and Wales as a co-operative society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered no. 4934.