Hut Warden The Hut Warden is appointed to control The Belfry and site and, in any dispute his/her decision is final. If the Hut Warden is not present at The Belfry, they will appoint either a Duty Officer or another Committee Member to act on their behalf. Any reference in this document to Hut Warden will also be deemed to refer to their representative.
Members use Any BEC Member can use the Belfry and stay there without the prior knowledge of the Hut Warden. Members are entitled to bring up to a maximum of two guests, but they should be accompanied, and they should pay the guest rate. If Members plan to bring more than two guests, they should book this through the Belfry Booking system.
Visitor Conduct Any member who brings or invites any visitor to The Belfry is responsible for the conduct of that visitor.
Signing in & Paying Members and guests staying at the Belfry must sign in on arrival. The Charges for Members and Guests staying in The Belfry or Camping in The Snake Pit are displayed in The Belfry Foyer or can be obtained from The Hut Warden. The Charges are applicable to all persons staying at The Belfry and must be paid promptly before departure, this also includes Day Fees.
Cleaning All Members and Guests are expected to do their fair share of cleaning before departing The Belfry.
Leaving The last person to leave The Belfry must ensure that services are turned off as appropriate, and that The Belfry is left in a secure condition in accordance with notices displayed and/or common sense.
Clean Areas Caving equipment and attire must be confined to The Belfry Changing Room.
Damage All damage to The Belfry must be reported to a Committee Member and repaired to a good standard or repairs paid for by the persons responsible.
Quiet Hours It is expected that between the hours of Midnight and 8am Members and Guests show consideration to those wishing to sleep. Members and Guests must sleep in the bunk room, not in the Lounge, Library or Attic
Young Persons Young persons (16-18 years old) may stay overnight in The Belfry but must always be in the care of their parent/guardian and stay in the same room as that person.
Children Children under 16 years are only permitted to sleep in The Belfry at the discretion of the Hut Warden when groups of members or guests are not present and must stay in the same room as their parent/guardian. At any other time, they may only camp in a designated camping area in the care of their parent/guardian and are only permitted to enter the Belfry after 9pm at the discretion of the Hut Warden.
Controlled Substances The use of ” Illegal Substances” in The Belfry and it grounds are prohibited.
Library The rules governing access to and the use of the Club library should be strictly adhered to.
Internet use Fair usage policy: use of the internet should be legal, fair, appropriate and in good taste. No viewing of illegal/offensive content or use of illegal file sharing networks.
BCA Insurance The use and occupation of the Belfry will be subject to the terms of the BCA Insurance Policy, Property Insurance Policy, Statute Laws (e.g., no smoking, fire safety).
Updated: April 2022