Dickie Bayfield has been representing the BEC at the Pwll Du Cave Management Group
Wwho look after the interests of Ogof Draenen?
He survived the 7 hour PDCMG EGM and can confirm not much was agreed apart from another meeting due for the 12th December, hmm.
The single entrance policy remains largely unchanged but with a clarification as follows:
Paragraph 2 is replaced with:
“Any digging activity, whether inside the cave or on the surface near to the known cave, which is likely to result in the opening of an additional entrance should be brought to the attention of the Group along with a strong case demonstrating how it is in accordance with the current conservation policy. Requests for confidentiality will be respected.”
Additional Paragraph added:
The Group reserves the right to prevent or control access to entrances or connections that it deems to be against the interests of the cave.
In respect of the new entrance dug by Garimpeiros the committee agreed that two committee officers shall meet with two of the diggers within two weeks of the EGM and then a further EGM will be called in December to decide on action. See below a sketch survey showing the location of Drws Cefn with Draenen.