Caine Hill is a dig strongly associated with Tony "J-Rat" Jarratt, who restarted the project in March 2007. J-Rat has sadly since passed away but digging continues by a very enthusiastic team.

To quote from Stu Lindsay:

 Caine Hill is a dig, it is on private land and
Mendip curtesy is to inform someone you are going down, most
Tim or Jude whose land the entrance is on. ( its
free ) The digging team  have no problems with people going down, ALL ARE
WELCOME,  and hopefully you will do something when down there…dig, take
down empty bags or haul a few back to various staging posts ! Digging is
Wednesday night at 1900/1930 and most Sundays  around
1430. Other times may be pre arranged. Air quality can sometimes be

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registered in England and Wales as a co-operative society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered no. 4934.