Exploration Club, The Belfry,

, Priddy, Wells,

Editor: John Williams

1995 – 1996 Committee

Hon. Sec.                Nigel


Treasurer                 Chris Smart
Caving Sec.             Jeff Price
Hut Warden             Ivan Sandford
Tackle Master          Mike Wilson
Hut Engineer            Estelle Sandford
Membership Sec.    

Richard St
B.B. Editor               John Williams
Floating                   Hilary




Hello Folks ….

B.B. time again. Firstly there is some business to take care of, namely it will soon be
time for the AGM, hardly seems like a year since the last one does it?  I therefore must request from all committee
members that they send me their annual reports as soon as possible in order
that I can publish them in the next BB prior to the AGM thus saving much time
on the day.

Also on this subject I wish to inform the club that I would
like to stand down as BB editor this year. I have held a committee post for three years now and have given much
time to the club.  I feel that if I
continue now I would not be giving my best and I would rather retire on a
pleasant note.  I hope there is someone
out there interested in doing the BB next year; I have heard mumblings in the
pub to this effect.  I will refer to this
further in my report next issue.

The annual dinner is set for the night of 5.10.96, and will
be at the Cross Ways in North Wooton see the back page for booking forms.

Please note that
tickets are ONLY obtainable by booking in advance
– there will not be any
‘spares’ on the night.. … BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment.


Not much to report clubwise for several reasons, firstly
that I haven’t been around on Mendip that much recently due to other
commitments and also to the fact that it’s a quiet time of year anyway.

Good to see several members at the Priddy Folk Fayre in
June, although not a caving event there are connections with MRO, I gather
£100.00 was donated to the MRO from the takings.  Spotted outside the hall with a craft stall
were Andy & Ange Cave – selling their ‘ethnic products’ – seriously – I
never knew you could make rucksacks out of Hemp fibre!!!


Digging seems to be progressing as usual with continued
interest in Ogof Draenen and of course the breakthrough in Priddy Green
Sink.  Hopefully there will be articles
forthcoming in the near future.

I hear that there are various projects afoot in Wookey Hole,
the recent push on 25 suffered due to equipment problems but further attempts
are planned.

Efforts are being made in the avens in ch 22.  I have yet to speak to those concerned to get
details of progress.  Alex Gee informs me
he has removed the boulder that was blocking progress and has gained another
20′ of passage.  He has been being helped
by Nick Mitchell and doesn’t plan to do any more solo trips as the environment
is somewhat committing.  (Beyond two long
sumps and high up in Wookey 22 …. I should bloody say so …. ed.)


I am aware that this issue is somewhat smaller than usual –
there’s a rush to get it out and the next one will be a bumper edition

That’s it for now as I have to rush to get this to the

Good caving one and all.. ….. Jingles.


From the Belfry Table

Thursday 11th. July 1996!!!!. and its only 12 weeks to go to
the AGM & Dinner on Saturday 5th. October 1996!

This year’s dinner is being organised by Jingles, Babs &
Jeff Price, please support them in their efforts as it requires much time and
work to make your dinner an enjoyable experience.

Committee 1996/7:

Hon. Secretary herewith calls for nominations for election
to the BEC committee, these must be in writing, and seconded by another member,
and must be received by the Hon.Sec

no later than six weeks before the AGM in case an election
is required.  Its’ your club, why not
play a part in its running and direction?

The position of
Hon. Treasurer:

We have been well served over several years by Chris Smart,
and unfortunately he now wants to stand down as Treasurer. Nominations are
required now for this particular post, in order that the successful applicant
can both run parallel to Chris now, and can go forward as a committee
nomination for the post so that the clubs interests are ensured by certain
election to that post.  Please indicate
your interest directly to Hon. Secretary, you do not need any seconder now, as
the committee will act later as such. You should be prepared to be co-opted
onto the committee at an early date. Applications no later than Friday 2nd. August  1996, when a decision will be made.

1996 A.G.M:-
Saturday 10.30 am. 5th. October 1996

Another famous

Hon. Sec.’s new found computer skills caused him to purchase
the July edition of “PC Magazine”, where on page 30, an article caught his
eagle eye featuring Mike Cowlishaw (No: 827 [1974]).  “A real challenge to Visual Basics’
reputation as the universal programming language is to emerge from the unlikely
source of IBM’s Hursley Park research centre, following a Java-based
breakthrough by IBM Fellow Mike Cowlishaw …. etc.etc”.  Well done Mike, whatever this all means!

Priddy Green

Congratulations to Jay-rat, Rich Blake, Ivan, and all .. now
perhaps a sweeter digging site can be found, and the Hunters will be a fresher
place!  Members should be justly proud of
the efforts of the diggers in making, .. or should it be quarrying?. the long
awaited connection into Swildons


Remember you must have a valid permit to access these
systems, all the old type are out of date, and you must comply with the access
agreements.  Free to paid-up members,
invalid if not!

Regards to you all, time to clear the table,

Nigel T.


Agenda For The 1996 Annual General Meeting

To be held at 10.30 am, Saturday 5th. October 1996, at
“The Belfry”.

1                    Collection of outstanding Ballot forms (Subject
to there being more than 9 nominees).

2                    Election of the AGM Chairman.

3                    Election of Three Tellers (Subject to an
election as above).

4                    Apologies for Absence.

5                    Minutes of the 1995 Annual General Meeting.

6                    Matters arising from the 1995 AGM.

7                    Hon. Secretary’s Report.

8                    Hon. Treasurers Report.

9                    Hon. Auditors Report.

10                Caving Secretary’s Report.

11                Membership Secretary’s Report.

12                Hut Wardens Report.

13                Hut Engineers Report.

14                Tacklemasters Report.

15                B.B Editors Report.

16                Librarians Report.

17                Ian Dear Memorial Fund Report.

18                Result of the Committee Ballot, (If an Election
has been held).

19                Election of Officer’s for the 1996/7 Committee.

20                Destruction of Ballot forms (If an election has
been held).

21                Members’ Resolutions.

22                Details regarding the Annual Dinner Tonight.

23                Any other Business.

Nigel Taylor, Hon.
Secretary 1995/6.


Wot i Did in mi sumurr holeedaz

buy jingulls
form 2b
the belfree borstul skool.

i did went to scotlund on mi sumur holeedaz with mistre OW
Dirscull to doo sum dyving in thee cavs there.

i drived to yorksheer onna thursdee nite to stae with my
frend helen at hur farm with hur dogz.

i coodnt do diving ther bcoz thee cavs were ful ov derty
worter so i went to thee pub insted. Aftr that i did went too scotlund to see mi frend miyckle who livs in
edinbru with sum more cav peeple from thur grampeen speelogillicll grroop, thay
wur funee peeple they tor ked all diffrunt to me and were a bit mad, they did
say see yoo jimmee and lots of wurds i dint no. The men in scotlund were dresses and no nickars a bit like the ladeez in
Saint porls in Bristul that mr wi/sun is frends with, but thay dont Iy down for
munnee tho like the gurls in Bristul doo. Myckle isunt scottich he iz orstayleen and he torks funnee too but i can
unnerstan him bettur a bit cos hee is fat. he iz cor led blubber the bush
kangroo, i dont no wot that iz but he plaes with a boomrang and sez cobber a

We did go in scotlund mor me and myckle to go too the cavs
in the north bit corled elting wher ther is a mad man corled gooon but wee dint
see him pecoz he is braked his arm in ther cay and carnt go now.  We taked helins dogs with us for ther
holeedaes too so they can have fun too. We gott to effing quiet late in ther
nite coz it woz a longg wae to dryv in ther car and we is tiyud when we get
ther so we went to slepe onna flore coz orl the beds is ful ov uthur peeple and
Myckle did sae some rood wurds abowt them. hee woodn tell me wot a whankurr iz
but sed that wun ov the peeple was a rite wun ov them.  The dogs dint wont to gosleep an they wer
lying on myckle wiggling ther bottoms he sez that his girltren duz this an shez
a dog too, i dint no wot he meenz. we did 10k them in ther car cuz thay wer bad
dogz he sez an they wiggle ther bottomz on his leg too.

in the mornig we god to ullupowl to bie things an then carry
them for myles to the cay corled clayonite it iz neer to a cay corled anus an
Myckle sez it givz him ther rs howl.  We
wer in ther clayonite cavan took orl ther dyving stuff to ther sump.  It woz hevee an ther woz lots ov worter an it
woz co wId an Myckle sed a lot ov rood werds to ther worls. wee poot orl ther
kit by ther sump for tomowow an did go owt agen and then clym down ther hi!
agen to ther car.  We wen to ther pub cor
led aline irinu Altnearlgr bugge.  We wen
to ther pub aftur the cay in it woz Eric the lanloud he iz nyce man.  He givd me sum cowkcola an Myk hay sum bere.
Mykle hay a lots ov bere an he start to wobll a lot an torks sillee.  Then he is sik an we go hom to elting. the
dogz wiggld on his leg wen he wuz slepeng agen.

in ther necks day we gow to ther cay agen to dyv but myks
wessoot is brokn an hiz botom is forling out ov it, i took a pchur ov it an
Mykl sez anus iz cum to clayonite. he sed bolicks too. he iz norty man sumtymz.
we worked down ther hil agen an lookt in ther strim for howls.  Myckle sez they is resuges or sunfing but its
wher ther worter cum up owt in ther groun like at ther elifun trapp. ther dogz
did swim here coz wee made them doo it . Myckle sez that teech ther bastids to shog his legs wen he is slepeng an
he pix them up an thro them inna ther eltintraps and he larit lots.  We did fine sum mor hols in a strim beds and
dugged out ther stons ther and fownd mor stons so wee dig them up too an fine
evun mor stons an now ther hol is deep but it woz gud an we can go an dig sum
mor with jayratt Myckle sez.

wee wen to ther pub i carnt spel agen an Myckl had mor bere
but no asmuch as beefor.

wee wen to nokkers ther necks dae with sum peeple an i dyved
inna sump inna worterslid but i carn fine a line sow i din go vere far. mi boot
cum off inna worter sow i had to luk for it but i foun it ok. i climbe out up
ther worterslid it woz wet an i fel ovur alot but it woz fun.  Mykl anaa peeple wen in ther othur bit ov
nokkers sow i waytid for them inna sun with ther dogz but they din wiggle ther
bottoms on my leg lik with Myckl.  I
thing that thay like Myckle, he sez he alway get ther dogz but at lees thay
shog. i dono wot shogging is but myckle sez he Iyks it wiv dogs. ther man inna
pub sez myckle Iyk shogging sheeps too coz his orstraylien.

tonite we is tyrd so we gobbed erlee so we can go in
clayonit tomow.

tomow we woz to tyrd to go inna cay so we did dryv orl over
insted and we wen to klyskeskoo but ther boats woz in ther wae to dyv. we wen
to 10k bolloch or sunfin onna dumbreg rode an dyvd ther insted.  It was cloudy inna wortter but kwyt deep i
thing it woz 15 meeters an mi wate bel keept cuming off but its ok coz i pute
it bak onna gane. wun ov my bottils gose negertivlee boyunt wen its emtee so i
had wate on wun side not ther uthur an i swim roun on my side.  Myckle neerly dyed coz he woz larfing at me
so much he breeth the worter. i thing he is Iyk ther dogs … a bastid. i thing
he iz a whankr to.

inna pub tnite ther man with ther gittar din come so i had
too plae mine for ther peeple.  Eric sed
he Iyk me to plae geetur mor for him so i will necks tym. then we wen hom to
bed. i slip in my ten tonite coz myke wan to shog ther dogs agen. he carn fin
sheeps in scollund.

ther necks dae we gow to clayonite agen.  Wen we gets ther Myckle sez his bak is
hurting so he carn go inna cavan i hay to go on mi owun an get orl ther bottils
an erverthing. I use his new wurd an sae BOLLIX to him he is not hapee.  I gon inna cay aneewae an i go on mi owun to
ther sum three.  Wen i am ther i thing
ill dyv an hay look at ther uther side of it. i use Mycks little bottil he
corls zig. It is 2 leetur bottil an ver smal. Is good sump tho coz it goz down then it goz up agen an you cum out in a
poowl inna chaymbur. If you gos furthur yoo can crorl under ther roes a long
wae to unuthut sump but i din go ver far. I goz back inna sump three.  At
ther botom ov it ther is sum bowldurs yoo can skwees thru an i foun a litel
chaymbur ther, i don thing aneebudee foun it befor coz its nor on ther mapps at
ther elfing howse so i thing i foun a noo wun. i wanoo corl it jinguls bel but
myke sez i got mayuk shur nobudee foun it befor first. i hop not coz then i can
drore it for ther mapps.  I wen fur
nothur dyv to mayk shur i no wer it is fir necks time i thing its is 3 meeters
long an too meeters hi an about fower meeters wiyed. inna corner it look Iyk a
blak howl gon up but i coont see proplee coz ther worter is go orl clowdee an i
dint wanna let go ov the Iyn or russel carter will be cross with mee an he is a
big mann an i don wan him tobe cros with mee. Then i carid orl the stuf owt in ther yello bag an it woz hevey but i
dun it ok. wen i cum owt myckle was lookin fer sheep to shog agen but he coon
fin anee.  Probly ther dogs wood get
jellus aneewae. we wen bac to elfing so i can pak ther car to go hom to
yoksheer an tayk ther dogz bak to hellin. I din leev elfing till nine or clork an i woz tyred.  We wen to ther pub first to sae bye bye to eric
an it woz merows berthdeed he iss sevntee todae. hape berthdeed merdow.  He is a nice man.  Myckle sez hes got a nyce but. he must werk
out he sez. i dono wot he is torking abowt … probly shogging agen i espect.

I dryvd alia wae to yorksheer an it woz ver late wen i got

Inna morning i goz to ingllspursts an bie things for
dyving.  I seed my frens in ingleston
then i wen- to ther hillin pub to see ther band. it woz gud.

Onna las dae i dyvd in hurtlpot with my frens stivn an
nevell an hellins son kevin.  It woz ver
col an my ear woont cleer proply an it hurt. ther dyv was a sortooth prowfiel
wich mayks it bad for ther eers aneewae but i thing i hay som snot in my
yoostayshin toob an my eers won go pop Iyk wot they shood. inna nite ther eer
startid to hurt reely bad an i hay to goto horspiddle wen i cum home to
sumaset. ther doktur get cross with me so i told him to piss off Iyk myckle
done wen Eric sed about ther sheep . I dono wot this is but ther doctur got ver
cross so i wen home.

i Iykt scollun ver much it is a gud plays to go for
holeedaes an i lyk to go ther agen sune. Myckle sed if i bringa dogs agen he wil stick them wher the sun don
shin.  I thing he meens in ther clayonit
cay but im not shur.

it woz a ver good holeedae an i lernt abowt shogging an
sellotape from myckle. he sez ther hamstur won burst if you put it in
sellotape.  Thee en.


Wanted:  Photos

We now have a photo board and we need some photos to fill
it.  If anyone has any Caving photos less
than five years old, they can donate or lend to us, can you please send them to
Richard Blake at Allen’s House, Priddy, Nr. Wells or Adrian Hole at the
Chestnuts, Dulcote, Wells or drop then into Vat Products in an envelope labelled
for one of the above.  We will be trying
to update the photos on a regular basis, but that depends on you!

Donations are preferable so we can build up a photo album
for the library when they are out of date for the board.

[If you wish to have the photos returned, please mark your
name,  address, and that you wish them to
be returned, and we will endeavour to do so (although being the Belfry there
are no guarantees against damage so make sure you keep copies or negatives of
any valuable shots).  Can you also send
and S.A.E. if you are not local or an envelope with your name on it if you are
local, either needs to be marked with the quantity you want returned.]

© 2025 Bristol Exploration Club Ltd

registered in England and Wales as a co-operative society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, registered no. 4934.